Discovering the Nature of Reality in Order to Create it.
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Ancient sages have tried to convey the nature of reality in the language of the time such as in the Bhagavad Gita or through oral traditions passed down by generations of Shamans around the world. Modern science such as quantum physics is now catching up with this ancient knowledge and scientifically proving the nature of reality described many thousand years ago. This book looks into the many areas of knowledge from Acupuncture, holograms,
channeling, near death experiences to shamanic knowledge and much more that all contribute to the understanding of the nature of reality. Once we
understand it and our innate power, we can use it to consciously manifest the reality we want in our life. At no time has it been more important and urgent that we awaken to our power of manifesting than now during these fast changing and trying times of the COVID19 situation. We have the power to create a better life and world for everyone and the planet with all its creatures.
180 pages
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